jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Dichos,frases célebres,refranes....

Everything is going well, as in I was younger then, and the world was my oyster. In this term the oyster is something from which to extract great profit (a pearl). It was probably invented by Shakespeare in The Merry Wives of Windsor (2:2): "Why then, the world's mine oyster, which I with sword will open." 

Curiosity killed the cat

To mind your own business. A warning to anyone being too curious, as your curiosity might lead you to harm.

Examples of The Phrase Being Used

"Stop snooping around in our business! Curiosity killed the cat, if you continue, you'll regret it."

"When I got home, my cat was stuck inside of a jar I had opened earlier. If I hadn't returned, curiosity would have killed my cat."

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