lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010


If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat."

sprinkle /'sprɪŋkəl/ verbo transitivo
  1. (scatterto ~ sth on sthto ~ water on the plants rociar(conj.⇒) las plantas con agua;
    to ~ sugar on sth espolvorear algo con azúcar;
    ~ the almonds on top esparza las almendras por encima
  1. (coverto ~ sth/sb with sth~ the board with flour espolvoree la tabla con harina;
    he ~d the congregation with holy water roció a los fieles con agua bendita

tinkle1 /'tɪŋkəl/ sustantivo
tintineo mtilín m;
to give sb a ~ (call on telephone) (BrE colloqpegarle(conj.⇒) un telefonazo or darle(conj.⇒) un toque a algn (fam)
tinkle2 verbo intransitivo [bell/glasstintinear;
a tinkling laugh una risa cristalina

neat /ni:t/ adjetivo -er, -est
    1. (tidy, orderly) ‹appearance› arregladocuidadoprolijo (RPl);
      person› pulcroprolijo (RPl);
      room› ordenado;
      garden› muy cuidado;
      her hair is always very ~ va siempre muy bien peinada orcon el pelo muy arreglado;

wipe1 /waɪp/ sustantivo
  1. (action): give the table a ~ with a damp cloth pásale un trapo húmedo a la mesa;
    give your nose a ~ límpiate la nariz
  1. (clothtoallita f;
    baby ~ toallita f húmeda (para bebé)
wipe2 verbo transitivo
  1. (clean) ‹floor/table› limpiarpasarle un trapo a;
    dishes› secar(conj.⇒);
    she ~d the mirror clean limpió el espejo (con un trapo);
    ~ your nose límpiate la nariz

"We don't swim in your toilet, so don't pee in our pool!

pee1 /pi:/ verbo intransitivo (past & past p peed) (colloqhacer(conj.⇒)pis or pipí (fam), hacer(conj.⇒) del uno (Méx, Per fam & euf)
pee2 sustantivo (colloq (no plpis m (fam), pipí m (fam);
to go for/have a ~ ir(conj.⇒) a hacer/hacer(conj.⇒) pis or pipí (fam)

"Cleaning the house while kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk while it's still snowing." 

shovel1 /'ʃʌvəl/ sustantivo
  1. (spadepala f
  1. (power ~excavadora f
shovel2 verbo transitivo, (BrE-ll- ‹coal› palear;
snow› espalar;

You don't have to brush all your teeth. Just the ones you want to keep!

"When I do something right, no one remembers.... When I do something wrong, no one forgets!"

"Never whittle toward yourself or pee against the wind". 

whittle /'hwɪtḷ / || /'wɪtḷ/ verbo transitivo

Phrasal Verbs
whittle away
  1. v + o + adv, v + adv + o ‹funds/resources› ir(conj.⇒) mermando;
    influence› ir(conj.⇒) reduciendo or disminuyendo;
    rights› ir(conj.⇒) menoscabando

  1. v + adv to ~ away at sth ir(conj.⇒) minando or socavando algo
whittle down v + o + adv, v + adv + o ‹expenses› recortar,reducir(conj.⇒);
applicants› reducir(conj.⇒) el numero de

"If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown flush it down!"

mellow1 /'meləʊ/ adjetivo -er, -est
  1. fruit› maduro;
    wine› añejo;
    sound/voice› dulcemelodioso;
    light/color› tenuesuave
  1. person/mood› apaciblesosegado;
    the wine had made him ~ el vino lo había hecho más afable
mellow2 verbo transitivo

verbo intransitivo [color/voicesuavizarse(conj.⇒);
he has ~ed with age se le ha suavizado el carácter con los años

(toilet mechanismcisterna f;
(action): give the toilet another ~ tira otra vez de la cadenajálale (a la cadena) otra vez (AmL exc CS)

"no bees ~ no honey
no work ~ no money"

"We aim to please. You aim too, please."

aim1 (aspireaspirar;
to ~ high aspirar a mucho;

"Whether you be friend or kin take off your shoes when you come in."

kin /kɪn/ sustantivo (+ pl vbfamiliares mplparientes mpl

"stand close, it's shorter than you think"

Wash your hands and your face, don't forget to brush your teeth and your hair.

"ruin awaits the idle"

idle(lazyholgazánharagánflojo (fam)

"Our aim is to keep this bathroom clean. Your aim will help.—the Management"

" To know how sweet your home may be, just got away - but keep the key".

The "skin you like a rabbit" thing!! - My Mum used to say that - it refers to when you pull a childs top off by holding the bottom edge - they bend over forwards and put their arms out - and as you pull the jumper off it turns inside out - just like the way you take the skin off a rabbit!

On the refrigerator: "No one ever said life would be fair!"

incentive |inˈsentiv|nouna thing that motivates or encourages one to do something there is no incentive for customers to conserve water• a payment or concession to stimulate greater output or investment tax incentives for investing in depressed areas [as adj. incentive payments.ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin incentivum ‘something that sets the tune or incites,’ from incantare ‘to chant or charm.’

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